Saying Goodbye To A Friendship

Saying goodbye to a friendship is one of the most awkward experiences that anyone can ever go through. It wasn’t always awkward for me, but it certainly was on one occasion. Ever since then, I’ve tried my best estimate to avoid such scenarios to see if I could ever stop saying goodbye to friendships. Hence, this guide was born. So, enjoy!


Saying Goodbye To A Friendship

  1. I love you. I have tears in my eyes as I am writing this. It is not easy to say goodbye to a friend, even if you know it is the right thing to do. The time we spent together was memorable, and I will never forget you. You will always hold an amazing place in my heart.
  2. I just want you to know that I will miss you. The times we’ve shared together will always be cherished. Sure, we may not talk for a while but I’ll never forget the good times we had. Good luck out there in the world!
  3. Thank you for being a friend when I needed one. I will always remember the good times we had and hope we can reunite someday again.
  4. You are an amazing friend, and I will miss you a lot. You have grown on me like moss on a log and I valued you as one of my dearest friends. If we don’t keep in touch, don’t think about it too much. Things change, times are hard, and it’s not your fault.
  5. Every time I see you all I want to do is hug and kiss you. You are such a wonderful human being, and a great friend to me. We have been friends for many years now, but that is ending soon. It’s not because we don’t love one another, it’s because of the distance between us. You live in the country, and I live in the city. We have come to the realization that we will never see each other again. I am going to miss you!
  6. I hope you find what you are looking for. I will always be here for you and want to be a part of your life. Always remember that we will always be friends.
  7. I hope we both remember all the good times, and our love for each other…for they will be needed in the sad times to come. There is nothing I would not do for you, you know that. I don’t mind if that makes me weak. I am happiest when I’m helping you in some way. You will always be special to me, my dear friend.
  8. But you must understand that with time people change and you are no different. I want the best for you and I hope you find it. Wherever that may be, I hope we can remain in contact so that our relationship remains intact for our mutual benefits. Thank you for all that you have done for me Sam, you’re going to be missed by me.
  9. Thank you for making my world a better place. I don’t know where I’d be without you. You have positively affected my life in so many ways, and for that I am forever grateful. I truly adore you and all you do. I hope you are as happy as I see you. Life will always throw us curve balls, but we will always have each other to make the journey a bit smoother.
  10. Friendship is one of the most precious and rare things in this world. I am glad God placed you in my life, love. Over the course of our friendship you have been my shoulder to cry on, my best friend, a companion in travel and adventure. This may be goodbye in this life, but I will always cherish our friendship here. You will forever be my best friend.
  11. I am sorry that things turned out this way. I truly wish we could have kept the friendship. I met such wonderful people because of you, but you know what they say, “friends don’t end in bitterness”. Take care, and please forgive me for what I’ve done wrong. I miss you already.
  12. I hope our friendship can survive this, and remain as is. We will always have fun times to remember, and I’ll always cherish the memories of us..
  13. I’m sorry that we are going to stop hanging out together. I had a good time with you and hope we can remain friends through another medium. I will always cherish the memories we shared and will never forget your face.
  14. Dear Catherine, you mean so much and I am so glad we met. Every second I knew you was a blessing. I look forward to when we meet again. Until then, always know that I love you.
  15. You are one of my closest friends and I truly appreciate your presence in my life. You have always been there when I needed help or support and I will never forget that. Thank you for the memories and the laughs we have shared. While we may see things differently now, please know that you will always be a dear friend to me.
  16. I want to thank you for all the great times. I wish you a life of happiness and love. Always keep in touch, let’s catch up while bragging about our kids or our future grand kids…Maybe we could even have dinner together sometimes! But when the time comes I won’t be sad to see this come to an end.
  17. I hope one day we can be friends again. I miss being around you and your positive, happy vibe. I know we’ve been through a lot together and that our relationship has changed over the years, but you’re still one of my best friends. I want us to be able to go to lunch and laugh again like we used to. I want us to sleepover at each other’s house like when we were kids.
  18. Its hard to say what I really want to.You have been a great friend and I will never forget you.To those days that we spent together,that laughter that we shared, I will forever remember you as a friend.
  19. Goodbye is a word I never wanted to say. It’s not a word to be used lightly, only when one knows they can’t say ‘hello’ again. You’re like a brother to me and I will always be here if you ever need me.
  20. I want you to know that the past few days have been such an emotional rollercoaster for me. I was even surprised by the tears that flowed from my face when I realized that we couldn’t be friends anymore. I want you to know that it was never a choice, but circumstances just made it so we had to go our separate ways. I will always cherish our memories together and wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors. Sincerely, __________.
  21. No matter what the situation is, we always have each other’s backs. We have been friends since the beginning of time and I know that our friendship will last forever. Take care of yourself, it is time to say goodbye to our friendship but I hope our paths cross every once in a while.
  22. I want to apologize for any hurt you felt over the years of our friendship. I know I am not perfect and I have made my fair share of mistakes. I am sorry that we are having this fight, but sadly in life sometimes you just have to accept that you won’t continue a relationship any further.
  23. I know we have had some ups and downs, but I want you to know that I will always consider you a close friend. I know there are many other things I could have said to you, but I feel it’s better to keep them all to myself. We both have our own paths we must take. If you need any help with anything just let me know!
  24. You were my best friend, I trusted you and I loved you. Then you broke my heart, without even noticing. I was nothing to you, just a game, a lie. You drove away the true meaning of love. There is no other way I can say it, we are through. Okay! So, don’t text me or call me, don’t ask me to be ur friend again. There are plenty more fish in the sea that don’t lie and are not two faced bit
  25. I’m not sure what has gone wrong with us, but I know we’ve been growing apart for some time now. Things are different between us now and I just don’t think this friendship is going to last much longer.
  26. Been a real pleasure man, a real pleasure. Really glad we’ve become friends over the years. We’ve had some fun times, some down times, and everything in between. Good luck with what’s next for you buddy. You’re gonna go places!
  27. Dear Friend: I will not say goodbye – for we are not parting. Instead, I will wish you a wonderful life ahead, To live each day with great joy and laughter, And fill each night with peaceful sleep. Perhaps the paths we take will cross again sometime. Until then, know that you are in my heart.
  28. It’s hard to say goodbye. I will miss you being a part of my life. I wish you the best, and hope we can stay in touch. You’ve been such a big part of my life, I want you to still be here in some way, so I will hold onto this last bit of you that I have left.
  29. I don’t know how to say goodbye. You have been my best friend for so long. How can I just stop talking to you? Maybe one day down the line we will talk again, but right now I just really need some space.
  30. Its so hard to say goodbye, but I guess its for the best. You have become such an important part of my life and I know that I will miss you a lot. You have always been there for me and I am really glad we were able to meet each other. Take good care of yourself and I hope our paths cross again someday.
  31. Dear friend, Thanks for all the great times. You made my life more worth living. I am so glad that I found a true friend like you. Friends are hard to come by, so don’t take what we had for granted. I loved you very much and hope that one day our paths will cross again.
  32. I really have come to treasure our friendship but I think it’s time to end it. The thing is, you either choose a life of positivity or negativity. And you’ve chosen negativity and so have I… It’s time to say goodbye. Just remember that the friendship we once shared will always be there, we just won’t ever see each other again.
  33. Goodbye, old friend – we had a good 7 years, but it’s time to move on. We shared so much: our secrets, our dreams, our laughter, our triumphs and our failures. You accepted me for who I was – quirks and all – and became the most important part of my life. You taught me and shaped me into the person I am today. But alas, sometimes in life, things must end.
  34. When you care for someone deeply, you will do everything and anything to protect them. In some situations you have to let them go. If you’ve stayed too long then you have to say goodbye. It’s not easy to say goodbye to friends. You might never get that chance again but it’s the right thing to do in order to help the both of you grow.
  35. You’ve been with me through some of my most difficult times. You listened to me cry and complain and you never judged me. I know you didn’t always have it easy, but you stayed by my side. Sometimes I pushed you away without realizing it, but somehow your love was always there when I needed you most. You helped bring happiness into a troubled life. With you by my side I found the strength to carry on. Our friendship has meant more to me than you will ever know.

Also See: Saying Goodbye To A Country Quotes

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