Rest In Peace Messages

Rest in peace quotes will help you to express your feelings for the departed one. Here is a large collection of rest in peace quotes that can be used at funerals. These are all quite famous and inspirational, so if you need such quotes for funeral handouts this can be useful.


Rest In Peace Messages

  1. Our relationship was short but you were one of the greatest friends I’ve ever had. You will always be in my heart and never forgotten. Rest in peace my friend.
  2. I will always remember you as a friend and cherish every memory we made together. I hope you are at peace, it is the only way I can say goodbye.
  3. We love you Diana. We will always love you. Rest in peace. You will never be forgotten.
  4. You were an amazing person. You lived your life the way you wanted it to be. We all have plans in life but sometimes it’s not our time. I wish you could stay longer, but unfortunately death is inevitable. Rest in Peace and know that people you cared about will always remember you for the amazingly beautiful soul you were.
  5. You were a bright light in all of our lives, you are desperately missed and always loved. You were an amazing son, boyfriend, uncle, brother and friend. We miss you more than words can say. You will always be in our hearts.
  6. You were such a good friend. I’ll miss you so much. I remember all the times we spent together and really I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. I am going to keep your memory alive for as long as possible and never forget you my friend.
  7. Today you are remembered and celebrated as a hero. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten, and you will forever be in our hearts. We miss you so much today my friend!
  8. My friend, you were taken from us too soon. You will always be in my heart. I’ll see you again someday.
  9. My dear friend, as you leave us please know that your love will never be forgotten. You will live on in our hearts and minds forever. Rest in peace, we will miss you.
  10. RIP Richard, I’ll miss your crazy ass. Rest In Peace my brother. I’ll never forget you.
  11. I miss you. I wish you could be here with me now. The air is so cold and it makes my heart ache because you aren’t here to warm it. You were one of the most special people I knew, and whenever I think of you I always smile. Rest in peace, my friend!
  12. I miss you so much! I can’t believe you are gone. I often think about you and the good times we shared. R.I.PDrew!
  13. I still remember your laugh, your smile, your jokes. You were just recently here in this world, and I hope you find happiness in yours. Rest in peace my friend, you will be missed.
  14. You were my brother, my friend, a great teacher and mentor. I will always love you. You will live on in my heart forever. I can’t believe your gone just like that! I know you are in a better place now and will be watching over all of us your family. I love you my brother.
  15. I will never forget you. I love you too much to ever forget how I feel about you and your memory will never fade. You are always with me and always in my heart. Love is the light that shines in all of our hearts, even after the darkness takes us away from this life.
  16. I remember the first day I met you. It was hard not to notice how you greeted everyone like an old friend. What really struck me was your kindness and generosity. There wasn’t a stranger in the room, everyone felt like a friend. Thank you for being such a wonderful person and friend. We’ll miss you.
  17. I know you are the big guy in the sky now, but I still can’t think of you without a smile. I am going to miss you till we meet again, until then take care and enjoy your wings.  We love you.
  18. Everyone remembers you as sweet, kind; a friend to all. You lived each day with love and laughter. When life left us I know you were not afraid, for you knew that God would welcome you with open arms. And above the clouds we will meet again.
  19. I hope one day you realize the amazing person that you were. I wish I could have told you alot sooner how much you truly meant to me. I’ll try my best to make sure your girls know everything you did and teach them what an amazing father/daughter they had. You will always be in my heart, your family and friends.
  20. To my Auntie Linda, who left this world much too early. I remember the one time we got to hang out, when you took me to a fair. You were so pretty, kind and lady like. I miss talking to you already and will try to do it everyday from the other side! Rest in peace… Love, just your nephew Eli.
  21. Goodbye, I love you. Rest in peace, forever one of my closest friends.
  22. Rest in Peace my love. I am sorry it had to end this way. I guess you know how I feel now, and I hope you are at peace. Rest in peace knowing that I will always love you with all my heart and that one day we will be together again. Good-bye my love, may God bless your soul.
  23. I love you and miss you… my heart was crushed when i heard of your passing. You will always remain in my thoughts and prayers. I’m so thankful for the time we had together. I will see you again in Heaven someday…. Until then I will continue to keep your memory alive. Love you, miss you and rest in peace. XOXO
  24. I remember ever since we met you always had a smile on your face. You were always so sweet and kind, I’m glad I got to meet you! Rest In Peace, love who you were and what you did. You will be missed, but never forgotten. God has you in his hands now, rest easy.
  25. I think of you often and miss you deeply. I hope that someday we will meet again and I will see your smiling face to comfort me in the lonely times. You were a wonderful friend and a special person to have in my life. May you always find peace.
  26. We will all miss you so much, but we know you are watching over us in heaven. And we’re sure that you would want us to smile in your honor. We all love you so much and will never forget the great times we’ve had together. We’ll be there for each other as always…I hope that you will rest in peace now, knowing that everyone misses you so much.
  27. Rest in peace dear friend! You will always be in our hearts and on our minds. You will never be forgotten.
  28. Being your friend was one of the greatest honors of my life. I know that I always loved you, and cared deeply for you, and I know that we will meet again someday. I will think about you each day as I live my own life. You were wise beyond your years, and I am ever so thankful that our paths crossed.
  29. I wish there were a better word than goodbye, I wish there were a way to say why it had to end this way, but people walk away all the time and the reasons vary. For me I think it comes down to personality differences. You were one of my best friends, even before we began our relationship. You will be dearly missed…Rest in Peace.
  30. It was a pleasure knowing you. It hurts to know that I won’t be able to talk to you again, laugh with you or hug you. I’ll miss the way you always knew what I wanted more than I did. I hope you are resting in peace.
  31. Your life mattered, and you left a profound impact on this world. You taught us that there is more to life than what meets the eye. We love you and we will always remember you in our hearts. Rest in peace John Doe.
  32. I’m so glad that I was able to share such a great friendship with you. You always gave me the best advice and never judged me for my actions. You will be missed, but we will always have those good times we shared. It’s hard to lose you, but all I can do is remember all the good moments we had together. Rest in peace!
  33. I always liked you. You were my bro! You and another friend of mine have a very special place in my heart. We got along so well, I wish we would still be friends. It is hard to imagine he is gone now but I am sure he is at peace. Rest in Peace, my friend…May you be having fun in Heaven with your grandmother and God.
  34. Dear Brother: You have left our family, but you will not be forgotten. The rest of the world looks upon you as a soldier sacrificed in service to his country, and we as a brother lost much too soon. But we know better. We will always remember you as a brother who filled our lives with joy for twenty-six years. Since you’ve left us, we have felt large gaps in the very fabric of our being – gaps that cannot be filled by friends or mere acquaintances. I’ll miss you, R.I.P.
  35. Thanks for all the memories. I will always cherish our time together. Even though we are miles apart, you will live in my heart forever. I love you so much. Rest in Peace baby…
  36. Rest in peace. You are free now. May your soul rest amongst the stars.
  37. I will always remember you and I will always miss you. I’ll never forget how hard you had to fight to breathe and how hard you fought to survive. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. In my heart, you will always be alive. Rest In Peace!
  38. You were so young. We will miss you forever. Rest in peace, we will never forget you.
  39. You don’t know me, but I’ve loved you since we were both little. You gave a good fight and I’ll miss you dearly. Rest in peace, my dear friend.
  40. My dear friend, my buddy, you will always be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish there was something I could’ve done to bring you back. You were the sweetest guy and I will miss seeing you around…Rest In Peace.
  41. Rest in peace. I’m sorry you lost your life, but you are in a better place now. Please watch over us.
  42. I hope you have found peace and happiness after such a hard time. I will always remember you and hold dear the memories we made together.
  43. The world had nothing but bad things to say about you, it looked at you like a monster which I could not understand. I really didn’t care what they said, because I saw past all of that and found a man with the kindest heart. Nothing in the world could ever break that man because of his love for you. Rest in peace my love. I will always love you. I’ll see you when we are both free from this earth.
  44. I will never forget my dear friend Jonathan! We had a lot of good times together before your tragic death. Rest in peace and I’ll see you again someday.
  45. I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you today as your loved one transitions. I hope you’re doing okay and that this doesn’t add too much extra pain. Life can be very fragile and unpredictable sometimes, so just know that I’m here to help you however I can.
  46. Be happy inside heaven, surrounded by the love of your family and friends. We will all miss you. R.I.P!

Also See: Condolences Message For Loss Of Mother In Law

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