I Will Never Forgive You For Hurting Me Quotes

I Will Never Forgive You For Hurting Me Quotes

Forgiveness is not about the other person, it’s about you. I totally understand why you wouldn’t forgive someone for what he has done to you. It makes sense that you would feel the way you do. However, Below is a collection of quotes featuring I will never forgive you for hurting me.


I Will Never Forgive You For Hurting Me Quotes

  1. I will never forgive you for hurting me. If I still care about you so much, It would be because I cannot hate you solely because you have hurt me. But there is a big chance that it could be possible that I may never forgive you.
  2. I still love you, but I will never forgive you for hurting me like that. You hurt me so much that I just want to jump off a bridge now, because I’m so unhappy without you. Being with you was the happiest time of my life and without you it’s unbearable. I love you with all my heart, but I just can’t forgive you for what you did…
  3. Dear friend, words can not express how much I miss you. I will never forgive you for hurting me…but I still miss you. I would walk a thousand miles for one of your smiles, and would give all my heart just to hear you call me yours forever.
  4. I forgive you for hurting me, but I will never forgive your lies. You said you would always love me and that our love would last forever. Time showed me how much I was wrong. You said our love was strong, strong enough to overpower any differences. But what happened? Our love faded away until it was only a whisper in the wind. Now all I have left are memories of you and a friend request on social media.
  5. The pain that you have caused me I’ve never felt in my life and I will never forgive you for hurting me this much and for all the lies.
  6. It is hard to forget you as you are a part of my heart, but it is also hard to forgive you for hurting me badly. Had I known about your real face then I would never have trusted in you.
  7. I’m not mad at you, I’m just disappointed. And I won’t lie and tell you that it’s the past and I can forgive you. I just don’t know if I can ever forgive someone who caused me so much pain and suffering. Even though you’ve sold this to me as a last-ditch effort to win me back and try to build a life together, I see it for what it really is.
  8. I would never forgive you for hurting me, but I can live with the fact that you did. What hurts the most isn’t the fact that you hurt me, it’s the fact that I loved you so much that I allowed you to. I believed in you and trusted you so much that I lost faith in myself. It took me a long time to forgive myself. Love is hard enough to find.
  9. No matter how long it takes, I will never forgive you for hurting me like that! I never want to be with you again!
  10. You could have been the love of my life, but instead you tore out my heart. I will never forgive you for hurting me and breaking my heart.
  11. How could you do this to me? You were my best friend. I will never forgive you for hurting me. All I wanted was your love, but now I’ll never get that chance. I’m staying strong and fighting through it, but you have broken my heart and there is no healing it!
  12. I will always forgive you, no matter what you do. I love you so much that I would sacrifice my own happiness for yours in a heartbeat. I’m here for the long haul no matter what the cost. You have my entire heart because it’s never been yours to take away. It was always a gift. I love you and I will never be able to say it enough.
  13. You said you loved me and I believed you but now all I see is lies. I’ll never be able to forgive you and I think it’s time we just moved on because I care about you too much to hold on to your lies, I can’t take much more so if you can’t give me love then don’t give me pain.
  14. You break my heart and say that I have to understand! Your reflection is the guilt you have in your soul. You are a bad person, you hurting me is nothing new. I do not want you to tell me it’s my fault, I did nothing wrong. You broke my heart and I will never forgive you for hurting me.
  15. I will never forgive you for hurting me. You may think that your apology is sincere and that you feel bad about what you did to me, but unless you are willing to change and make this up to me I don’t believe you.”
  16. I know we are cool, but I will never forgive you for hurting me like that. The thing is, you are so special and your friendship means a lot to me, but if you do it again; I will have to block your number.
  17. I trusted you and I loved you, but those things didn’t mean anything to you. You are the worst type of person – the type who uses and lies. And for that I will never forgive you…because even though I know that I will get over you, it still hurts…
  18. I don’t want to forgive you. I want to hate you and hope that pain that you put me through the last few months never goes away. You told me you would never leave, then you did. You promised we’d be together forever, then things changed. You hurt me and it’s going to take a long time for me to get over it. If I ever do get over it, it’s going to be because of how wonderful he is that’s standing next to me right now.
  19. I am totally over you. I know that it’s too late to try to get back together. I know that if I don’t move on and try to find someone else, my life will be free of you, but I’m just not ready. Every time I think about starting my life over, it seems so hard.
  20. I will never forgive you for hurting me. I know you didn’t mean to do it, but you did. You know how much my heart hurts right now. I’ve spent the past hour crying over what happened and I can’t stop. Hopefully one day, I’ll be able to forgive you.
  21. I don’t know why you did what you did, but I will never forgive you for hurting me. I am trying my best to move on but it is very hard when all I can remember is the good times we had together. They say time heals all wounds, but it’s going to be a long road ahead for me.
  22. I wish I can ever forgive you. I know that you didn’t mean to hurt me, but it still hurts so much. My heart is broken, and I don’t know if it will ever be the same. We were friends for so long, and I feel like you betrayed me. I thought we had a strong bond, but in just one moment everything changed. The pain you caused runs deep, and all I want to do is forget. I will never forgive you for hurting me…
  23. I wish I will try my hardest to forgive you and forget you. But, I will never forgive you for hurting me.
  24. I will not forgive you for what you have done. I will never find it in my heart to forgive you for hurting me, but surely with time things can become better as time heals all wounds. The worst part of it is that I have no way out and I have already invested so much of my life in this relationship.
  25. I will never forgive you for what you did to me. I have lost all my trust in you and if we ever get married again I will make sure to do a prenup.
  26. I let you into my life and you betrayed me. I am hurt, I feel alone. I cannot trust anyone to touch me anymore because of what you did. You crushed me but I’m strong and won’t let anyone take me down again. I wish you knew, but you will never know how much your betrayal hurt.
  27. I will never forgive you for hurting me. I feel like you used my heart, like it was a toy. I still feel your arms around me, holding me so tight while you broke my soul…
  28. I will never forgive you. Ever. After all you’ve done, I can’t even begin to forgive you. It’s taken everything in me not to hate you, but I refuse to let you control me anymore.
  29. I will never forgive you for hurting me but I hope someday that we can be friends. My love that used to flow so freely overnight is now only an empty string of whispers and echoes. Looking back I feel like such a fool. I guess it’s all in the past because at the end of the day anything worth having isn’t easy to get.
  30. I will not forgive you for what you did. But I have decided that I won’t hold a grudge and I will move forward. If you could find it in your heart to make amends, I would appreciate it.
  31. I’m sorry. I hope you’re happy now. You did this to us, not me. Things were good until you went behind my back, and made me look like a fool to everyone. If I never hear from you again, it will be too soon. You need to leave me alone, I will never forgive you for what you did.
  32. I thought we were forever, baby. I was wrong. I hope every day you think of me. And know how much you hurt me. Because I will never forgive you for hurting me. I hate you!
  33. My memories are fading but I know this… I will never forgive you for hurting me. I will never forgive you for making me cry. I will never forgive you for lying and deceiving me. Sometimes it hurts to remember, because all the memories are heartbreaking but I know this… I will never forgive you!
  34. I will never forgive you for hurting me physically, emotionally or mentally. You have left scars, not only on my body, but also on my heart. I do not forgive you and I never will.
  35. ..I know it’s been a while but I just want you to know that I never will forgive you for what you’ve done. It’s been 2 years and I’m still holding back tears when I think about it. You have hurt me in ways you can’t even imagine, but this is the last time I will cry because of you. You will regret every single time you have hurt me from this moment on. You are not worth my tears anymore, so save yourself the pain and leave me alone.
  36. I will never forgive you for hurting me. I’m doing my best to forgive you, but I can’t. It’s too hard. You made me suffer so much and I feel like a damaged human now. I want you to understand that what you did is wrong and that you shouldn’t do it again. If it happens again then our friendship will be over forever. That hurts me so much because I still love you, but not if you are going to hurt me again…
  37. There are countless times that I have forgiven you for hurting me. In fact, I even apologized for the hurt and anger that I caused you by having my feelings hurt. But I will never forgive you for breaking my heart every time that you go out with your friends instead of spending time with me or leave me without telling a word.

Also See: I Will Never Forgive You Message And Quotes

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