Heartfelt Love Messages For Her

Love is always associated with words of love and feelings. For this purpose, a lot of people can make use of very good messages for their beloved ones. Express your love to that special lady in your life. Here are samples of heartfelt love messages for her.


Heartfelt Love Messages For Her

  1. Everything seems like a movie when I look at you. I am stunned at how you always seem to manage to say the perfect thing at the perfect time. There are no words to describe your beauty, but I am glad that God put our paths together. You make my day by just being yourself.
  2. A gentle reminder of how much you love and care about her. There have never been, nor will there ever be, feelings more profound than those that I have for you. Let my love burn deep within your heart and bring you solace when you feel alone.
  3. I have stared at this blank page for hours now. I can’t find the right words to describe how much you mean to me. I love you with all of my heart and soul. You are my world and always will be. Now and forever, my dearest sweetheart!
  4. I love you more than words could express. I finally found you and I’ll never let you go. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You are everything to me, my heart, my soul.
  5. I love you so much. I don’t think I could ever tell you enough. In your eyes, I can see a future, and all the notions of hope that bring. You are that person that makes my heart skip a beat and brings me to my knees in adoration. With every passing moment I fall just a little bit more in love with you.
  6. I love the way your hair curls up when it’s hot, and the way you chew your pencil when you’re thinking. I love the way you sing off-key in the shower, and how you always put others before yourself. I love the way you take care of me when I don’t feel good, and the way you look at me when we’re lying in bed at night. I love everything about you.
  7. You are my little ray of sunshine that warms my cold heart at every chance. Every time we kiss my heart beats a little faster, and with every passing minute I fall more in love. You are the most beautiful and lovable girl I know. You make my world a brighter place to live in.
  8. There is no word for how much I love you right now. It’s a big, fat LOVE. You brighten my world. You bring a smile to my face. You are my best friend. I LOVE YOU BABY!
  9. Dear girlfriend, I hope you know that I look forward to seeing your face every day. You bring so much happiness to my life, and I love being able to do the same for you. Hopefully you know how very special you are!
  10. I was going to write this letter with ease, but everything I think of seems lackluster, off, and forced. You have come into my life as a friend, given me more than words can say to me, and told me more than anyone else ever has in my life. I do not think I will be able to express myself fully, but one thing is for sure: you are always on my mind, and I treasure every moment we have shared together.
  11. I am grateful to have you in my life. You are a bright little sunshine that brightens my day and makes it much more meaningful. Every day I thank the Universe for bringing you into my life and I will love you forever!
  12. You are the most breathtakingly beautiful woman I have ever met. Every moment I spend with you is a gift, and every smile you give me is my treasure. You are just as special to me as the sun, the moon and the stars in the night sky.
  13. I promise to always make you smile whenever you need it. I’ll never let anyone hurt you again. I will continue to be your knight and shining armor and do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Be happy, baby because I love you.
  14. My dearest Susie, Thank you for being such a wonderful person. Not many people can smile and think of life as being so beautiful, but you are one of those rare people. You bring joy to my life every day with your kindness and loving spirit. I promise the best is yet to come in our future together!
  15. Dearest, you’re always in my heart. I know that our relationship is on rocky grounds right now and there’s nothing I can do about it. You are the love of my life but I am having doubts as to whether or not we’re right for each other. Sometimes I wish we’d never started dating to begin with, but then I realize that we’re meant to be together.
  16. I have a confession to make. I’m crazy about you. Every time I see you my heart skips a beat. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone so cute and thoughtful. You challenge my mind and fill my body with an unexplainable feeling that I can only define as love.
  17. I love you more than you’ll ever know. Seeing your cute smile, your beautiful hair, and hearing your lovely laugh… I can’t get enough. You complete me.
  18. My darling, your love is a source of endless inspiration. You are my motivation and inspiration. May you live a thousand lives and may I have the pleasure to be there for every one of them.
  19. I hope that all is well in your world. I want you to know that I continue thinking about you non-stop and hoping that you are happy and remember how much I love you. Just wanted to show you how much I care for you.
  20. I want to thank you for being such a wonderful friend. You deserve only the best in life and I hope you get everything you ever wanted. You are so caring, loving and thoughtful. I am so fortunate to have you as my friend and cannot wait to see what our future has in store.
  21. You came into my life and turned it upside down. The panic I felt upon meeting you was unbearable, but you stayed patiently through the storm. You put out my raging fires with your gentle touch and wiped away my tears with your sweet kisses. You taught me to love again and made me feel whole again. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you.
  22. I haven’t always been the best boyfriend, so thank you for all your sacrifices. I would have it no other way because they led me to you and I wouldn’t change a thing. You are my reason for everything now and forever. I love you, beautiful!
  23. I promise to give you the world, and be there for you whenever you need me. I want to grow old with you and have many children as we grow together in our relationship. You are my soul mate, my everything. I love you very much!
  24. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t want to miss a thing. You’re my best friend, my soul mate, the love of my life! I adore you!
  25. I love you girl. There’s no one in this world that makes me happier than you. I am so proud to have you in my life and I look forward to every day we get to spend together.
  26. Dear Shelly, I hope you know how much I love you and enjoy being around you. You make me laugh, smile and forget all my troubles. EVERY time I see your beautiful face I want to hug you and never let go. I promise to keep it that way forever.
  27. I can’t thank you enough. You are an amazing woman and the heart of my life. I don’t know what I would do without you, but with you I am a better man. You make my heart happy. I love you!
  28. I am on cloud nine! I can’t stop smiling. You are everything to me and I love you more than you could ever imagine. Let me know how much I mean to you and how much you love our relationship. We were made for eachother baby, never forget that! I love you so damn much!
  29. I know I say this all the time, but one day you’ll realize how much you mean to me. What we have is beautiful and our love will never die. I am so thankful for you!
  30. You are amazing, sweet, beautiful, smart, talented, soft and lovely. I love you!
  31. Happy Valentines Day sweetheart. I just want you to know that you are my world, and I love you beyond words can express.
  32. Dearest, I love you! I will never take the time we have spent together for granted. Your friendship is truly a gift. Happy Valentine’s Day baby.
  33. Indeed, I do love you, because without you I am no one. And my life with you is wonderful. Do I love you? Yes, my heart and soul belong to you.
  34. I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. You have made my life a heaven on earth and I have never been so happy than when we are together. When I am away from you my heart sinks as the days go by… till I’m wrapped in your loving arms once again!
  35. My love for you is like the clouds in a blue sky. It never ends and it always grows with time. I am so happy that we can be together and spend every moment of our lives loving each other. I want you to know that my heart beats faster every time you’re close to me, that it rises when you wrap your arms around me, and that it skips beat when I see your lovely face.
  36. I can’t spend another day without telling you how much I truly love and care for you. I know we have said this a million times before but I love you. We have been through a lot as of right now but we will get through this because at the end of all things, no matter what happens, in sickness and in health, I will be by your side because that is what people like us do. And I love you so much. Always have, always will!
  37. My dearest, You are simply superb at doing whatever you like to do. I’ve never known anyone so resourceful and talented. You can cook and clean perfectly! You’re the best! You are the only person whom I could celebrate every moment of my life with. We have given each other so much love, respect and care over the years. And that’s why we have formed such a strong bond of love which will keep us together for a lifetime. I love you, gorgeous wife!!!
  38. Dear Rachael, I don’t know if you know this and if you do I am sorry, but I truly love you and care about you. When we hang out it is so much fun that I don’t want it to end. You bring a smile to my face when you walk into the room; I always have a blast with you regardless of what we may be doing. You are an incredible human being and I feel so lucky that you are in my life. Love always, Andy.
  39. There are no words that can express how much I love you. You are the best girlfriend in the world and I felt it was time to tell you. I love you for all you are and all you do and I just want to be with you. You’re the best!
  40. You are my heart, my soul, and my everything. You mean more to me than breathing. I love you more than I possibly can imagine. -Mike

Also See: Sweet Good Morning Message For A Friend

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