Heart Touching Goodbye Message

When you are in college and your friend is going to move out from the hostel. You will send him a message like this. Most of the people use to send some funny message instead of this, but here we have provided you the most heart touching goodbye messages. Just choose a best one for your dear friend.


Heart Touching Goodbye Message

  1. When you left my heart broke I still miss you I know we said goodbye but it’s so hard to say goodbye.
  2. I hope you know how much I loved you. You were my everything, my life and I will always love you even if we are apart. There is not a day I don’t think of you and wish you were sharing it with me. Good bye old friend, forever in my heart.
  3. I love you for all that you do, and everything that you are. I will count the days until we see each other again. Love always, _________.
  4. I cried myself to sleep last night. I know you won’t be reading this, but I just had to let you know how much I appreciate you. The pain is forcing my heart to beat faster as I write this. We’ve only been apart for a few days, and it’s already hurting more than I could have ever imagined. All I want is your arms wrapped around me, all the time.
  5. Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I miss you and think about you all the time. Even though we’re far apart I know someday we’ll find our way back to each other. I hope you find what your looking for out here in this world. Stay safe my love…I can’t wait to see you again. I miss you so much!
  6. This is going to be the hardest thing I have ever had to say: goodbye. I’m not sure what I will do without you, but I know that if I stay that life will hold nothing for me without you there. This may be the end of our relationship now, but it doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends. Goodbye my love!
  7. Hey, friend. Just wanted to let you know, that you’ve been a great inspiration in my life. I have learned so much from you, and I wish I could tell you. Don’t be sad though, because someday we’ll see each other again. Until then, take care!
  8. I’m taking a break from our relationship because I feel that we are growing apart. I don’t want to suffer through seeing you happy with someone else and watch the spark leave your eyes as that someone else is sharing their love with you. But as I move on, please remember what we had together. It’s the best part of my life. I will forever cherish our time together. Good luck in your future endeavors and may God keep you in his care!
  9. If you are reading this, it is because I am gone. The world will be a better place without me in it. I only brought pain and sadness to those who knew me and people would have been better off not knowing me at all. I’m sorry that things turned out the way they did. Good luck to you in life.
  10. I know you so well that I know exactly what to write. There is not a better person in the world than you. Your kindness and generosity are endless and I don’t know where I’d be without you. You make me smile every day, no matter what. With you by my side I will never feel alone. I love you so much!
  11. You give your love so easily without expecting much in return. You don’t ask for too much and can’t hate anybody. Your soul is so beautiful and pure. You are a blessing in my life, I want to thank you for all your support. Wishing you a great evening ahead!
  12. I’ll always remember the times we shared together. I hope you can remember this too. It was the best time of my life. I will love you forever and always. Thank you for being there for me, for everything.
  13. You may be leaving soon. But that doesn’t mean our relationship is about to end. You will always hold a special place in my heart as the man who changed my life. As I close my eyes for what seems like the last time, I will remember all the joy you brought me. Please be happy with her, she’s so deserving of all your love and more!
  14. Thank you for being there for me through thick and thin. I love you my friend. Take care and we will see each other again in the future.
  15. I thought of you all day long. I was expecting a call, text or email. But unfortunately none came. No matter what has happened in the past, I have to confess that I love you. I will miss your sweet smile and those lustful eyes that pierce through me.
  16. I don’t know exactly when I started to really care about you. But I do remember the day I realized I was thinking of you all the time. It was weird at first and kind of scary. We had only talked a few times, but it was like my brain couldn’t shut off that train of thought!!! Then we were friends on Facebook and I just looked forward to seeing how you were doing. You made me laugh until my sides hurt and even if your posts were short and sweet,
  17. I was hoping we could have one more round to talk but it’s getting late. I just want to thank you for a lovely evening, and the chance to get to know you better. I’m glad that we had a chance to do this… Couldn’t have wished for a better person to spend the evening with. I’m sure I’ll see if online sometime! Bye for now.
  18. I will never forget the times we shared, and the tears you have made me cry. I love you more than life itself and I know you’ll always be here. Never forget that no matter where you go in your life, my love will always follow because it’s deep inside of me, and no one can take that away. I’ll love you forever!
  19. Thinking of you, wherever you are. I hope your dreams return a smile upon your face. Miss you more than words can say, maybe one day we’ll be together again. Until that day comes, remember me as I remember you, until we meet again in that place where no one comes to say goodbye.
  20. It is quite late and I am alone, with you in my thoughts. Although I’m not there with you, I am here loving you more than ever. I cannot wait until we can be together soon. You are my life, my soul and my everything. Good night and sweet dreams my love!
  21. Goodbye, my love. Thank you for your wonderful friendship. It was a pleasure to meet such a kind and talented person as yourself. I wish you nothing but the best. You will always be one of the people who brought happiness into my life.
  22. Probably one of the toughest things we’ll ever have to do in life is say goodbye. Whether it’s to a friend or a spouse there’s nothing easy about having to do so. It’s difficult enough to see how hardwe try…
  23. Thank you for opening up your heart and letting me in. Being with you has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. I’ll never forget the time we laughed, the places we’ve been, or the memories we made. With all my love…………Goodbye…
  24. Until we meet again, my dear friend. I just want to express how incredibly thankful I am for all the times we had together. You are always in my heart and I’m going to miss you!
  25. I will always love you. You were amazing and perfect and made me the happiest girl in the world. I need to go now as I cry alone in my room, but I will always think of you. Please remember that you were the best thing that ever happened to me. There is nobody else like you, and I am so sorry for everything that happened.
  26. I can’t believe this is happening. One day I am looking at the love of my life going about my business and the next you’re gone. I’m not ready for goodbyes just yet. I still need more time with you to make up for all of the time we lost just because we were being stupid and stubborn. I hope you come back one day, but until then I will cherish the memories we’ve made and continue to make every day that we spend apart. I love you!
  27. Do not lose sight of the people who are forever in your heart. The memories that are created with them will never disappear. And when we’re old and gray, we’ll look back on all of our memories together, and we’ll smile because even though the time wasn’t easy, it was worth every second that we shared with you!
  28. I don’t know what to say or where to begin. We have shared so many wonderful moments, traveled the world together and laughed until we cried. I have always been proud to call you my friend and I will cherish our memories together as long as I live.
  29. You say I’m just another notch in some guys belt, but you don’t understand we are meant to be. You say I’m too good for you but I can’t and won’t ever give up hope. You say you will never talk to me again, but one day you’re going to realize your mistakes and come running back into my arms.
  30. I was really fond of you. I don’t like to hurt anybody’s feelings, and I am not that kind of a person to say, “Get lost!” But I am sorry it had to be this way. We could have been such a happy couple, but it is too late now. As you go your way and find somebody new, I will go mine.
  31. Dear Phillip, three weeks ago we said goodbye forever. The first days I had no contact with you. Then I realized that we have so much pain inside each other. And we were only yelling and shouting on your journey of life. We missed so many opportunities to be in touch over the whole time. I was missing your voice and your kind words, your kisses and stories about our kids. I know it’s hard for you to live without me, but you need some time for yourself.
  32. Goodbye my love. Remember me. Always think of me. I’ll miss you like hell, but if you never forget me, then I’ll never forget you either.
  33. I love you very much and will miss you till my last breath. I love all the memories that we have shared. I love you so mu ch that it hurts to be apart even for a moment. When I think of you, I can feel your touch like when we first met. It would have been the best thing in my life if there was no distance between us. I care so much and wish you a great future as far as you deserve one!
  34. I will miss you. You will be in my heart forever. Your love was a wonderful experience, and I know our paths will cross again soon.
  35. I’ll miss you and all the good times we’ve had together. I’ll never forget everything we’ve been through together. Thank you for all those precious memories, I will carry them with me forever. Goodbye and take care.
  36. My whole heart belongs to you with a cup full of happiness. You were once the part of my life, but I don’t want to remember you because it hurts so much. So I say goodbye to you because I know that is best for both of us. You are so wise; may this never change. May your eyes sparkle as bright as your smile, and may your heart always remain pure, innocent, and true. Goodbye! And good luck in the future!

Also See: Emotional Goodbye Message To Boyfriend

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