Happy New Month Prayer To My Lovely Boyfriend

Hello, you are reading a Happy New Month Prayer for My Lovely Boyfriend quotes post. It will help you to make a good happy new month prayer for your boyfriend. The blessing will bring peacefulness, love and emotional closeness in your relationship. Here I am listing some of the samples that you can use for this good month. Dive in!


Happy New Month Prayer To My Lovely Boyfriend 

  1. Dear God, I pray for my boy to have protection this month and to continue being blessed with good health. Please help him to find a job that is suitable for him. I know he will not fail you in what he does, because you are too great to fail him. May all his efforts turn to success and accomplishment of all his goals and objectives. Amen!
  2. May this New Month be filled with Success, Friendship, Happiness, Good Health and above all LOVE. I love you baby!
  3. May this month be filled with love and laughter. May your life be abundant with joy and accomplishments. And above all else, may you feel the love I have for you in my heart everyday.
  4. I wish a tremendous happy new month to you. May God bless you in abundance in the coming month. I pray that we get closer and closer to each other with every passing day and celebrate more birthdays together in each year. I pray for strength and courage to handle anything or anyone who comes between us. I love you.
  5. My dear, you are abreast of every good thing and there is hope in your future. Dear, you have my heart in your hand and I only wish the best for you. Happy New Month Dear.
  6. I pray that you are blessed with love all around you in the coming month. I pray that you have a safe and happy journey through this life and that your heart is filled with nothing but joy and laughter.
  7. I pray that the month of August will bring health, wealth and happiness to you. May God continue to guide you and protect you, making you more successful in all that you do. Your affection for me is so deep and unconditional as I feel for you too. As we celebrate this New Month may our love continue to grow deeper till infinity.
  8. May everything you do this month bring you many blessings. I hope you find great success in your new adventure and may all your dreams come true. May you have a wonderful month my love!
  9. On this New month my prayer to God is simple. I pray for your health and wholeness. Come, come upon, Blessed Jesus, Holy Ghost. Seed of wisdom, life and love flow into me like a child of God should flow.
  10. A wish for a successful, healthy, and wealthy new month! I hope you achieve all your goals this new month, and continue to prosper in work and business. Congratulations again on your promotion!
  11. You make my heart swell with love. I hope you enjoy your new month and that our love grows stronger day by day. Happy New Month!
  12. May the month of love and joy be upon you. May it bring to you wherever you are love, happiness, peace, joy and prosperity, Amen!
  13. My love, I want to say thank you for being in my life. You are a great blessing to me and an inspiration to me that love still exists. I want to wish you the best of everything in this new month ahead, May this month be filled with joy, health and prosperity. Thank you for being in my life. I know it was meant to be!
  14. I am sending you my love and a hope that your day is filled with blessings and love from above. Thank you so much for blessing me with your friendship. Happy new month!
  15. May this month be as exciting as the previous month with love, peace and joy. You are a wonderful person who brings a lot of happiness into my life. I can’t wait to spend time with you and spoil you.
  16. You make me feel special. You make me laugh. You make my heart pound with a smile on my face. My dreams are filled with you, and my hopes are based on you. I love you more than life itself!
  17. I thank God for you. You are my prayer answered, my blessing from above. I’ll be greatful for the rest of my life that we crossed paths and that I found you! I love you forever.
  18. God’s Best Blessing to you my dearest boyfriend. May God shower his blessings upon you as he fills your heart with love, joy and happiness this new month and always. I pray that this will be a month of great discoveries, enrichment and wonderful surprises for us together. I wish you a king’s health, loving family,serenity and enlightenment from God Almighty. Be Blessed.
  19. As this month approaches a new dawn of joy, success, love and prosperity. I thank God for your love, care and devotion. I pray that he keeps us together forevermore.
  20. Warmest greetings to you O Lord. I thank You for the love and joy you brought into my life through this beautiful month of March. Be with my dear boyfriend during the next month to give him strength and courage as he goes through difficult times. Grant him an open mind to receive Your wonderful gifts of love, happiness, protection and understanding that will guide him perfectly on the path You have chosen for his life. Grant me patience in all we do together to bring us closer…
  21. Dear Lord, you have promised to be with us always, even to the end. Continue to guide and protect my boyfriend this month; inspire him to do good works and show kindness and mercy in all he does. As he pursues his goals in life, give him strength and courage. Help him find peace in God’s love. Thank you for being our loving creator who gives us each a unique purpose in life. In His name I pray. Amen!
  22. May your month be filled with blessings, good fortune and happiness. Lets have an amazing month where we can do things together, hold and cuddle each other. I want to make you happy this whole month. We are going to have a wonderful time together!
  23. I pray that we will be together forever, that you will never leave me. I pray that we will grow old together and stay healthy to share many more birthdays. May the new year bring us closer together and make our love grow stronger!
  24. To my best friend and other half. You are truly one of a kind. You have changed my life in the most wonderful way and I will always be grateful for your presence in my life. Here’s to an incredible new month!
  25. May the Lord bless you as you embark upon this new month of January. I ask the Lord to give you courage, wisdom, and knowledge that will help us achieve our goals in life and help us succeed as we go hand-in-hand together. May the new beginning of this new month bring you joy and happiness.
  26. During this time of the new moon, I pray that the Lord has some great things in store for you. May he guide and protect you with his mighty hands and may all your desires come to fruition. May your New Month be full of laughter, joy and loving!
  27. Happy New Month Prayer to My Lovely Boyfriend, you are so wrappered in his peace. You are so brave to accept his hand of love. Last month has made us united and happy. We have no enemies now we focus on our love forever. May your new month be filled with tons of joy and happiness.
  28. To my dearest boyfriend, my one and only, I wish you all the very best in this new month. This is my prayer that we’ll continue to have a very happy and contended relationship throughout the rest of the year. Hoping that you also continue to see me as your very own and only girlfriend this coming year.
  29. Dear God, thank you for blessing me with a wonderful boyfriend. I am so thankful for the love he shares with me every day. I just wanted to say, thank you for blessing me and I am grateful for the wonderful life we have together. Your friend,
  30. I pray that this month will flow with love and joy in my life and in my relationship. I ask you to cover us with love, happiness, peace, joy and all the good things in life. I will be grateful for everything you give me and more importantly all the things you take away. Thank you for being my best friend. Happy New Month!
  31. I would like to thank Almighty God for blessing you. I pray that His angels always keep a watch over my boyfriend. I pray that he will be able to take full advantage of this opportunity to become a even better version of himself.
  32. May the love of the Lord be with you. May His light shine upon you and may He grant you peace. Kim
  33. May this be the best month of the year for you, my love. May happiness be yours at all times, may your dreams come true and may all your wishes be granted in abundance. Always remember that I love you!
  34. As the moon and stars grace the night, illuminate my day and give light to all my ways. Let me cherish this day and tomorrow with you by my side as I’m blessed with love.
  35. May the Goddess bless you and keep you, May she smile upon you and shed her grace upon you… Today is a new start, a new chance to begin again. May these days be peaceful for you To look back on with joy. I care about you I’m thinking of you and so grateful for you in my life! Although we’re far apart know that every moment we are together in thought. Wish you a very happy new month.
  36. I pray a new month of joy, peace, happiness, and love. I pray that you remain focused and on purpose. I pray that all your goals are met and exceeded. I pray that all your heart desires will come to pass. I pray that you find contentment in all your relationships. Let’s serve God in every area of our lives. I also pray that God continues to bless you with great health, a great job, a mind to do His work, and a strong body…
  37. I pray that God allows you to achieve all your dreams and aspirations in life. The more you submit yourself to his plan the better things he has in store for you in the future. I pray that he intensifies his love, care and guidance in your life and that he showers you with blessings as you continue walk through this journey called a life. May he guide you even more as you strive relentlessly in order to fulfill your goals and end up accomplishing amazing things not just personally but professionally as well.
  38. May all your dreams come true. Use your imagination and hold on tight. Feel the magic as ideas begin to work. Do what you love to do with all your might. May all good things come your way every day, making each moment bright and gay!
  39. I pray that this month will bring you serenity and peace, happiness and contentment, love and faithfulness. I know my prayer is already granted because you are now my boyfriend.
  40. As the new month begins, I pray for God’s protection and favor over you. May your coming year be healthy and prosperous. May this month bring you success above and beyond your wildest dreams. I pray that your will always stand firm in faith. I pray that our loving relationship grows every day until it reaches perfection and joy. I love you so much!
  41. May this month be filled with great adventures, surprises, and possibilities! May we conquer all our goals and have even more fun to share. Thanks for being an amazing person and supporter in my life. I love you so much, my dear boyfriend!

Also See: Happy New Month Prayer To My Lovely Brother

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