Happy New Month Prayer For November

Are you looking for a short prayer for November? Prayers are great to pray at the beginning of a month, before finals, or even when you are going through something difficult. Below are many inspirational quotes and sayings for prayers that can be used when starting the month of November.


Happy New Month Prayer For November 

  1. Dear Lord, tonight many people all over the world will be saying good bye to another month, so I would just like to start by saying a big and warm welcome to N It is my prayer that you will bless it with peace, harmony and joy. May it be a month of answered prayers and answered dreams. Thank you for blessing us with another wonderful month.
  2. We pray to God and the Holy Spirit for you to be at peace with yourself as the month of November comes crashing on your door’s step. You may have been feeling down for the past days or weeks, or months or years even. We ask God to fill your heart with joy so that you may imagine yourself in a better place, doing better things and living a better life. Have faith in Him and allow Him to show the best way for you to see yourself doing better.
  3. Dear God, Thank you for this new month. We love November, real cold and sunny.We thank you and remember that the past is history and the future a mystery. And so it is with life. Without expectations of where we are going or where we have been, we live more happily in this moment. Earth has given us this moment and we hope to use it wisely. Today we give thanks for our many blessings and ask you to help us share these blessings with others. Thank You Lord!
  4. As we wrap up the month of October and prepare for November, may you have a phenomenal and heartfelt month with love, happiness, adventure, and success! Even though I can’t be near you this month, my love will still be there even if I am not.
  5. As you begin this month of thanksgiving and preparation, I pray that this month will be a pleasant one for you and that all your heart desires will come when you least expect it.
  6. May the world’s Best and most Surprising November ever, be a major blessing to you today, tomorrow and always!
  7. May today be a swell of delight, and as night falls, I pray to the heavens above that nothing but marvelous dreams will come into your sight. The joy and the glories of this day I wish for you all with all my heart joy and light may fill every moment of your life.
  8. My love, may the coming year be a productive and promising one for you. May you achieve all you desire in life and more. You will always remain my inspiration in all I do.
  9. Wishing you all a happy new month of November! Remember that there’s only one ending to any story: the beginning of the next one! There’s no finish line, and there’s no slowing down. So, do your best to live each day as the first chapter in the new book of your life.
  10. Hope you have a great month ahead. I hope that all goodness and happiness will follow you till the end of the month. May all your dreams come true this coming month.
  11. Dear Lord, I am not afraid of what the future holds because I know you are with us during times of distress, joy, loneliness and unity. Let us do our best to celebrate this upcoming month full of thanksgiving for good health, peace & prosperity.
  12. Lord God, we thank you for the passing year, and we ask that you bless us this month. It is your will that nothing should happen to us without your consent. As we go through the month, take us through it safely and give us the strength to overcome all our problems whatever they might be. And, from your merciful heart may there come our daily bread. Have mercy on us. We pray this through Christ our Lord… Amen!
  13. May the Lord God bless you and keep you through the coming New Month. May He cause the New Month to shine upon you and bring you His bounty of Fruitfulness and Abundance. May the New Month grant unto us fruits of righteous deeds, for every good deed done, there shall be a reward. Bless us in what we do, O all-powerful Lord’, so be it.
  14. As we transition to a new month, may the angels and God keep us as they lead us and guide us into a more positive and better future. Best of luck to you.
  15. Dear God, Give us wisdom and plans, however big or little they may be. Enable us to work hard all through the month and help us to be successful in every endeavor that we embark on. Give us health and peace of mind so that we can carry our responsibilities. Grant us serenity and strength. May all that we do this month bring honor to our name, and our country. Bless this family, guiding us in the right direction. Thank you God for everything! Amen!
  16. Dear God, I pray that this month will be filled with love and prosperity for myself and all my friends. Dear Lord, please send me a sign of encouragement that you are looking over me. Bless my family, friends, neighbors, pets, and all the people I know and don’t know. Please help all animal shelters across the world to find homes for abandoned animals. Heal our planet. Let’s make this world a better place to live in. In Jesus’ name I pray…AMEN!!!
  17. Dear friends, I wish all of you a very Happy New Month. May happiness find your door, and prosperity knock on the roof. May you get new strength to face this November March with zest and vigor and above all, may the Almighty bless you in every phase of your life. Happy New Month my friends. Wish everyone a beautiful month. Amen!
  18. As the new month approaches, I want to pray for you. May God’s love fill your life with the hopes of tomorrow and fullness of joy! I am praying for God’s blessings to rain down on you and may this be a better year than you have imagined. Blessed be!
  19. Dear Lord, I thank you for another month of blessings, favor and new beginnings. May this month be filled with hope, rewards and good health. I pray that you will guide me daily; keep me safe and healthy.
  20. Dear Lord, Please grant me the strength to carry out this new month in a more productive manner. Lord, bless me with sound health and success in all my endeavors. For Your Will be done and not mine. I will be forever grateful.
  21. Good morning and Happy New Month! I hope this month brings you good tidings, joys and happiness in your life. I will be saying positive sayings twice a day. If you need them saying more than twice a day then please let me know.
  22. I pray that you will start every day with a positive attitude, willing heart and listen to your feelings and be honest about your words and intentions. I pray that your days will be filled with positive moments. I pray you won’t lose focus on what is true value in life. I pray that you will know that there’s peace when you take it day by day, one step at the time.
  23. Blessed are those who can understand how that Good Fortune, and Bad Fortune go hand-in-hand. May you be grateful for all that is good in your life, for every ray of sunshine you receive and may the difficult times only strengthen your resolve to come out on top.
  24. Good morning! Just wanted to stop in and wish you a wonderful, successful, and happy month of November!
  25. May the sun of the month of November shine upon you and bless you with warmth, happiness and prosperity. May an angel watch over you every day and reminds you that you’re loved by so many people.
  26. Blessed is the new moon of November! May its light shine on our hearts. May it awaken in us thoughts of love for God and one another. It illuminates our souls spiritual growth, purification, and enlightenment.
  27. Dear God, Please bless me this month and keep me from harm. May I enjoy all the blessings this month.
  28. Thank you GOD for this new month November, your grace and mercy upon us all. May we all be guided to do your will. Your mercies are unlimited and your blessings are beyond our understanding. Guide us oh LORD so that we may steer clear from destruction.
  29. Lord, let this month be productive for everyone, and may all your dreams and goals come to pass. Bless me and everyone, especially my family and friends. Forgive us for all our sins and receive us graciously into Heaven. AMEN!
  30. Rain brings flowers. Nov. Wind blows them away. Nov. Snow buries all of them and then‐along comes spring to wake the flower’s heart and it dances out again. So, no matter what happens this month, no matter how terrible or how wonderful, remember that another month is about to begin, with all its promise of fresh beauty and new hope for things we cannot even imagine now!
  31. Good morning, God. We come before you to thank you for this month of the harvest, a time of abundance and new beginnings. For every blessing we are truly grateful. Help us to be aware of all the many gifts You have given us. An awareness of Your presence should put us in a better mood each day as we recognize how lucky we are. Bless our steps, God, as we go about our way today, raising awareness to new joys and blessings that come from Your hand.
  32. I am sending you this note to wish you and your family a happy, healthy, prosperous, blissful and wonderful month of November. I will be praying for you day and night that the almighty God would help you through any difficulties or challenges that may arise during the month and give you strength to overcome them with His almighty power.
  33. I pray that in the upcoming month of November, You will be blessed with peace and prosperity. To your health, your wealth, and your relationships. Love, Happy Days!
  34. Dear friends, it is with true affection that we greet you and sincere hope that this month will bring you joy. May the Lord bless you abundantly as all your needs are met, exceed your expectations, and far outstrip your greatest dreams.
  35. Dear God, This month I pray for family, mission, travels and leisure. I pray for my health to be fine. I also pray that we standalone in the month of November. Amen!
  36. Dear heavenly father, help us to send our heart felt prayers to you. Please give us strength to carry on and enlighten our hearts with your kindness. Help us to share the love that we have for each other with those that need it most. We ask this in your name, amen.
  37. Dear Lord, Again we thank you for another opportunity to enjoy this new month in a different way! In your greatest Mercy we ask that you grace us with peace and joy to our minds as we remember the importance of this month in our life as a human being. We also ask that you guide us with the pureness of spirit and humility of heart so that, in giving thanks for all the goodness that comes our way, we may be purged from our mistakes.
  38. Dear God, I pray that this month paves way for me to find a good job that will take care of all my needs. I pray for my child who is starting her A-level this month to study well and achieve good results. And also I pray for my friend in America who passed the written exam but not yet heard any feedback from the polygraph test she took yesterday. My friends and family will also have an amazing time this November.

Also See: Happy New Month Quotes For December

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