Happy New Month Prayer For December

It is known that the month of December is a special month for Christians worldwide. Traditionally, it brings out the best in everyone. Friends, families, and even strangers are all celebrating or rejoicing this month. This article is going to help you get through the month effectively. Here are some prayers you will need for the coming month of December.


Happy New Month Prayer For December

  1. Darling, I hope this month brings you joy, love and peace. May you have a wonderful time with your family and beloved ones. I send all my love to you and your family.
  2. Dear God, let us have a happy new month. I hope it will be wonderful for all of us. I am looking forward to meeting you in church this Sunday. Thank you so much for everything. Everyone is healthy and doing fine, as well as myself. In Jesus name, Amen.
  3. Keep safe my friends, family and loved ones in your prayers for the month ahead. As we draw closer to the end of the year pray that all our efforts will be fruitful as we work to see joy and laughter in each other’s eyes.
  4. I pray that you have a happy month starting in December, filled with lots of fun and good friends. I hope you achieve all your goals and that you keep smiling all the time! Stay positive my friend. I appreciate everything you do for me and my family and I will always remember that I can count on you!
  5. Father, cover them with your love and lead them through this month. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
  6. I know we have a busy and tiring day today, so I just want to wish you a happy and successful month ahead. May God bless you with the strength to face all that comes your way.
  7. Mommy and Daddy, thank you for everything. I am grateful for the way you have protected us and taken care of us every day. Watch over us this month. Let it be a good one. Help me be a better person in all areas of my life. Thanks for all that you do.
  8. We ask for your mercy and your blessings for this month, we pray that good luck will come our way. We pray that you will touch everyone in our life with love and grace. Thank you for leading the way as we start a new month.
  9. Happy New Month! I am looking forward to spending the entire month with you. I hope you have a great monthfilled with God’s blessings!
  10. Dearly Beloved, my large family wishes you and yours a blessed and joyous month as we prepare to celebrate Christmas in earnest.
  11. Dear God, help me to stay true to myself this new month. Help others to see my strength and goodness despite the challenges ahead. Guide me through every step. Fill my heart with your joy, hope, and love. May you light the new beginnings with peace and prosperity. Amen!
  12. Oh God, please ease the pains of all mankind, reward those who seek love and care. Show me the light at the end of this tunnel, be my strength when I need it most.
  13. Dear universe, this month is going to be awesome, bless it with your magnificence. May you help me achieve my goals in this new month and make my parents proud.
  14. I pray that you will never forget how unique you are. I pray for all of your wishes to come true. I pray that you have the strength to fight through a hard time and the courage to stand up for yourself when others try to knock you down, I pray that you are surrounded by people who love and support you now and always. God bless!
  15. May this new month be filled with blessings and outstanding achievements. Happy New Month to you!
  16. Hello new month! Happy New Month, and this is a prayer for peace, joy, love and happiness to be with all of us in this year 2023. I pray that we can work it out together in this new year, Amen!
  17. Dear Lord, please guide and bless all my friends, family, and loved ones this month. Let your word ring in our hearts and let your love flow through us to the world around us. I pray for my health, happiness, and new beginnings. I pray for the strength to persevere through this month with good fortune. I especially pray for a successful marriage for all of my friends, For courage and strength for those struggling through life especially ___. Amen!
  18. May all your wishes come true this month, and may the new year bring you everything that you need and so much more You’re not just my friend…you’re a part of me. I love you…
  19. May the LORD bless you and keep you; and may your heart dwell in safety.
  20. Please bless our family, friends, loved ones and all the people we come into contact with this month. Let there be peace in our world, good health through your healing touch and a happy heart through your great love. Thank you Lord for being here for us. In Jesus’ name,
  21. This new month is special to me because it marks the beginning of a new year with you! Amazing isn’t it? I can’t wait to see what the future holds. I hope this year brings us even closer and that we can share many more happy times together.
  22. My dear Lord, I stand before you today with all the thankfulness of my heart. You have given me so many beautiful gifts and I praise you for your divine mercy and loving kindness. Lord, please bless me this new month with the opportunity to give back something good to humanity, talents and skills that you have endowed me with. Loving me, you must have seen some potential in me and therefore provided me with ways to express myself fully. I shall try to walk confidently along this path.
  23. Hello awesome brother/sister, we both made it to another month in the greatest year of our lives so far. We thank you for all your help and guidance in everything we are doing now. You keep us from falling and give us strength when we need it most. Great things have happened for us this year, and even better things are coming up soon! Our prayer is that you will continue to guide us through the next month and bless us with protection, love, joy, and peace.
  24. Happy New Month to my friend Elizabeth. May You and Your Family Be Blessed with the Best in This New Month of December. May your new month be filled with endless joy and happiness, and may all of your dreams come true in Jesus’s Name Amen.
  25. New Month – New Beginnings. I pray that the coming month brings you many blessings, new opportunities and surpasses all your expectations.
  26. Today is the first day of December. There are twelve new months at hand. Each month brings something new. May this month bring you something special from above. God bless you and your loved Amen!
  27. As this month of awe draws to a close we think of you as the last moments of the year fade from view. Thank you for being. We pray God’s richest blessings on your life in the month ahead.We know the year has not been easy, but we believe that these moments are gifts from above, to help you enjoy and celebrate your loved ones. As December draws to a close, may the warmth of this time fill your heart, soul and spirit, and bring love that will never wax cold.
  28. I hope that this month will be filled with love. That you’ll get everything that you’ve wished for. May this New Month bring you the best things life could ever give – a loving husband, a healthy child for your arms to hold and lots of blessings in wealth and health.
  29. I know I just texted you, but I am dead serious. You are perfect in every sense of the word and I can’t help but love you! I hope your new month is full of goodness in all aspects of life!
  30. Hello friend, it’s been a while. I miss you and I hope that you are doing well. May this month be awesome as I believe it shall be. I wish happiness and all good things to you so that your life will always be filled with joy.
  31. May you live this day according to your inner light. May you look happy and be happy. May the world see in you what I see in you, and have the wisdom to value it, because it’s both genuine and rare.
  32. December is here, I wish you and your family a Happy New Month. A month full of joy, God’s blessings, luck, hope and love.
  33. Good morning, my dear child! I wish for you to have an incredible and successful month of December. May all your dreams come true and be fulfilled at the start of this amazing New Year. Love you so much!
  34. I wish you a prosperous, peaceful and Healthy life in the new month. May this month will bring lots of success and cheer in your life. I pray the Lord will fill you up with joy and love, that you’ll enjoy happiness now and always.
  35. As we enter a new month, may it be filled with love and happiness. May your days be filled with joy and laughter. And may all your dreams come true!
  36. I pray that your month ahead will be filled with peace and love. Stay positive and persevere through all challenges that come your way. May you find happiness in the simplest things in life and treat others as you wish them to treat you.
  37. Dear God, thank you so much for this blessed month of December. We all could benefit from your gifts and now we ask, please bless us with the best gift of all which would be peace on earth. And now we pray for our families and friends. Put your holy spirit around them to keep them safe from violence and danger. Bless them with health that they would live to enjoy each other’s company in this joyous month of December.
  38. I pray for a month with more blessings than problems. For a marriage that will last forever. For health and strength to carry on. For finances and business. Let this be the best month yet! I love you!
  39. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you. You have opened my eyes to life’s beauty and our every moment together is enchanting. Thank you for being you!. I pray our love grows even stronger in the coming months!
  40. Dear God, Thank you for another new month! This may seem a small thing, but I know that if each of us takes time to pray, we will see a big difference in the world. I am praying for peace, love and unity in my family and community. Amen.
  41. Dear Chloe, I praying for your all well-being at this New Month, that no evil dwells in our world.
  42. I pray that this month brings you much joy and happiness. I pray that you receive all that you want in life. I pray that you are able to save money for your goals and that your dreams come true. I pray for good health, to be at peace with yourself and people close to you, wisdom to make the right decisions, family harmony and prosperity in all areas of life. I wish you a pleasant month ahead and may God bless you always!
  43. Dear God, thank you for blessing us with another month of love and longer days. Please keep us safe through the cold winter months and continue to bless our union in Jesus’ name, AMEN!
  44. I think about you everyday. I love you very much. Have a fun month and remember that you are loved! Thank you for being in my life! I hope for many years of happiness!
  45. I just wanted to wish you the happiest of new months! Stay fabulous, and remember that I am always here for you. Yours forever, Bestie.

Also See: Happy New Month Prayer For November

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