Farewell Message To Students By Teacher

Farewell message to students by teacher is an expression of the high regards, love and encouragement that teachers have for their favorite pupils. It is a part of the ritual in most schools to send off dear and lovable pupils with a parting word every single time they graduate. That’s why I’m writing this article today which is basically a farewell message to all the students by the teacher who made me really see the concept of learning differently than it was intended to be.


Farewell Message To Students By Teacher

1. Dear students, we are leaving the school after teaching for about 2 years. We wish you all a great future and that you achieve the goals you have set yourself. We enjoyed our time in the class and were pleased to have gotten to know each of you.
2. Thank you, class of 2012. Thank you for your laughter, joy, tears and love. You have meant so much to me and it has been an honor to be your teacher. I wish you all the best in the future no matter what roads life brings you down. Never forget that I am here if you need anything. I will never forget all of you.
3. My time at this school has come to a close. But I’ll never forget the friends I have made or the memories we have shared. You guys are the best kids! I wish you all the success in your studies and in life. Best wishes for all of you!
4. To all the students I have taught over the past years, you have certainly left a mark on my life. Teaching you guys has taught me more than I could ever hope for, and I can’t wait to teach many more students in the future. May you find your paths in life easy!
5. Thank you for the last year of classes. I’m going to miss all the exciting adventures we had, as well as all our dynamic discussions about philosophy and public speaking. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
6. I’ve had the pleasure of teaching all of you for three quarters and I am very proud of how far you have all come. We all should be very proud of what we accomplished this quarter, and I know a lot of parents, teachers and other students are very impressed with each and every one of you. You are great kids and I wish all my students good luck on their finals. Thank you for a great year!
7. I have been your teacher since senior year three, you were the class of 2022. You were amazing! Full of life and fun loving. I like all of you, each one of you is so much more than I could ever say. I always wear a smile on my face around you. You make these years so well worth it. I am proud of all of you and know that when we meet again, we will still be friends.
8. It has been an honor and pleasure to work with each and every one of you this year. You made my job so rewarding, and I’ve grown to love each of you for different reasons. I wish you all nothing but the best in your futures. Remember, go out there and live your dreams!
9. I have known you for the past four years and I have to admit that you have grown in both height and maturity. It is a pleasure to witness your transformation from children to young adults. One of my goals was to make sure that you will all graduate with the social skills and knowledge to adapt quickly in society. Be sure to keep in touch!
10. This summer has been exactly what you need for your lifetime. You learned from exciting classes and activities to meet new people. I hope all the memories you’ve created will last a life-time, and that you’ll come back as often as possible. There’s always room for you here; no matter the distance. I’ve loved getting to know each of you and your families and I wish nothing more than for you to stay true to yourselves and never forget who you are!
11. We as a staff at this school will miss you dearly.  We wish you well and want to say “Thank You” for all the hard work and dedication during your high school career.  Mr.______ wishes all the best in your future endeavors and that you go on to accomplish everything you set out to do!
12. As the end of your high school years approaches, I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ for your support and love these last 4 years. If I were to choose my favorite aspect of teaching, it would be working with you. As you enter into the next chapter, I hope that all of the lessons I have taught will guide you in making the right choices.
13. Dear students, Never loose hope in your visions and goals. If you have set a goal for yourself then you must pursue it with all your heart!You’re always capable of more than you think. Have a great life with endless happiness, successes and memories. I will always be proud of you.
14. I’ve told you all before that I love each of you, and though my absence will be brief, I won’t forget: -your infectious smiles -your random hugs -your silly jokes -and your personalities. It’s going to be tough not to see you in the halls or around school, but know that I’m always watching and thinking about you.
15. As you embark on high school, remember who you are. You are the most important person in your life. Be the person who makes YOU proud! Stay true to who you are and be confident in yourself. Never fade away into the background, be remembered for being YOU.
16. I had to leave, I have no doubts you’ll do great. You’re the smartest crowd I’ve had the pleasure of teaching in my years. You turned out better than I ever could have hoped. I hope you take time each day to thank God for blessing you with such amazing friends, family and teachers. Oh and never forget me!
17. Riding the bus up and down Henson Creek never got old. There is something about the creek that I can’t describe or even put my finger on. It was an experience like none other. Dipping toes into icy water, rocks slippery with morning dew, and dragonflies above our heads. I will never forget those days!
18. It has been an honor to serve as your teacher. You have taught me lessons I will carry with me forever. Let’s hope our paths cross and we can reminisce about the past!
19. My students and I have shared a great year together. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors. Be polite and kind to everyone around you. Remember, education is what makes the world go ’round! Good luck!
20. Dear Students, I am leaving in two days and the class will never be the same again. If only I could stay longer and see you all again next year. Though I am very sad, I have to admit our journey together has been amazing, filled with fun and excitement. I have gained so much knowledge about you and your capabilities, that I am proud to call you my students. Take care buddy!
21. When you are down and blue, feeling sad and all alone, remember the old school house where you were taught by me. You were all an inspiration to do your best, and now I hope that in your lives you have many friends who will be.
22. Thank you for everything. I wish I could have been more of a mentor and a teacher, someone you could respect and look up to. But as the year comes to an end; I want to say thank you for giving me opportunity work with you. As time goes by friendships will fade away, but our memories will last forever.
23. There are many things and many people that mean a lot to me, but one of my closest friends and an important figure in my life is you! You are always there for me to listen, no matter what’s going on in my busy life. I’m going to miss you so much! I wish you’d stay with me forever, but I know we all have to move on. Be safe and let yourself be happy.
24. I can’t believe I am leaving this town. I’ve worked in the same school for ten years and made many friends, but now it’s time to go and start a new life. I want to say thank you for making my last few years here unforgettable. Everyone has such a bright future ahead of them so don’t let it pass you by. I love each and every one of you very much!
25. I only met you yesterday, but in some ways I feel like we’ve known each other our whole lives. I hope that after this is all over, we’ll have a chance to keep in touch and maybe even meet up again sometime soon. So take care and stay safe!
26. To all the students of River View high school, in no way is this farewell. I leave a piece of myself inside you, to help guide you down the road you may choose. My heart will always be here with you…I will forever be watching over you.
27. Students, the closing bell has rung. Your teacher will miss you. I can’t believe it’s been this wonderful experience for so many years now. Good luck with life and be a positive force in the world!
28. To the students of {YOUR SCHOOL} and their parents. I am sorry to inform you that I will be leaving the school at the end of this year, {YEAR}, as I will be retiring. It has been a pleasure to work with each and every one of you and your parents. I have made a lot of wonderful friends, for which I am thankful for. I wish all of you much success in life and please stay in touch after I leave.
29. Best wishes to all who graduated. I hope the knowledge you have gathered and the friendships you have formed will guide you in creating a beautiful future, full of success. I wish you all happiness going forward and sincerely hope that our time together will not fade into distant memory. It is my sincere hope that the lessons you’ve learned here will never be forgotten, and that you can apply them in all your future endeavors. I wish the very best for everyone.
30. Don’t fade away, don’t disappear. I will miss you so much. The bells may ring again…But for now, this is our final bow.
31. Congratulations Graduating Class 2022. We will miss you, but wish you great success as you move forward in life. Know that we are always here for you, just an email or text away. We appreciate your enthusiasm and laughter over the years; it has brightened all our days.
32. I hate picking favorites. Every student that passes through my doors becomes a close friend of mine. I cherish each and every one with all my heart and soul. I hope you carry the wonderful gifts of learning you have gained from me through out your life. Thank you so much for the honor of teaching you this year.
33. Thanks for the memories. I hope you’ll miss me as much as I’ll miss you…Good luck!
34. It’s hard to believe that the time has come for us all to part ways. During my years teaching here, each of you has taught me something new and a life lesson. I will not forget any of you, as you have become a family to me as well. My husband and kids would like to say Good-bye and we appreciate your time with us. Let’s stay friends!
35. Thank you for all of your kindness and support these past nine months. This is my final email to you, and I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you once again how much I enjoyed getting to know you and spending time with you.
36. I will miss the coffee and donuts on Monday mornings, the tears of frustration when things didn’t go their way, the smiles at the end of a successful run. I’ve enjoyed every minute of these past 7 years.

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