Best Morning Prayer For My Boyfriend

Best Morning Prayer For My Boyfriend

There are many ways to pray for someone. Morning prayers are one of the best ways to start your day and the day of the person you love. Here are 30 Best Morning Prayers for My Boyfriend that you can use to start your day with hope, faith and love.


Best Morning Prayer For My Boyfriend

  1. Lord, thank you for this new day. You have given me another chance to make a difference in someone’s life. This morning I want to ask you to bless my boyfriend with all the strength he needs today so he can accomplish all his goals with ease. In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen.
  2. Lord, I pray that you would bless my boyfriend with a long life and good health. May he be blessed in all of his endeavors.
  3. Dear Lord, help me today to remember how much I love my boyfriend and show him my gratitude by being kind and gentle toward him all day long. Please give me wisdom when interacting with those who may be difficult, so that I may do everything in love towards others as well as myself. In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen.
  4. Good morning, my love. I woke up thinking of you and how much I am looking forward to spending the day with you. I love feeling your arms around me, knowing that we are one in spirit. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I can’t wait for us to spend this day together. I pray for your happiness and success today, for your health and strength as well as for all good things that come into our lives. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you most. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and making me feel safe in your arms. Thank You God for blessing us with each other’s love!
  5. I want to wish you a very good morning. Just thinking of the fact that I could be waking up next to you right now is enough to make my morning great! I hope you have a fabulous morning and an even more fabulous day ahead. Much love.
  6. I pray that the Lord will grant you a long life, full of happiness and joy.
  7. God, help my boyfriend to stay safe today. Please keep him from harm, and let him have a great day.
  8. Dear Lord, please give my boyfriend the strength and motivation to do what he needs to in order to succeed in life today.
  9. Dear God, I want to thank you for my boyfriend. He is a good man, and he loves me very much. Please help him to be successful in everything he does today. Help him to make wise choices and guide his path so that he can walk in your light and love every day. Thank you for blessing our relationship with love and joy! In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
  10. Dear Lord, please watch over my boyfriend today and keep him safe. I pray that he has a good work day and his boss is nice to him and all the clients are happy with his work. Please guide his hands and please let him smile and laugh during the day if he feels like he needs to.
  11. I pray that my boyfriend will find peace and joy in his life today and each day of the week.
  12. Dear God, Thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful man. He is so kind, so thoughtful, and he always has my back. I know this might sound like a lot of pressure on him, but I’m sure he can handle it. I pray that he finds comfort in knowing that I am here for him as well as all his friends and family. I hope that we can grow closer together through these trying times.
  13. I honor you, dear Lord, as the source of all that is good and beautiful and true. Thank you for the love between me and Ron; thank you for our special times and the sweet communion that sustains a happy relationship for now and forever. Amen
  14. I pray for my boyfriend’s health and happiness today, Lord. Please make sure he is safe at all times throughout this day and night so that he can return home safely with no problems whatsoever!
  15. I say a quick prayer every morning, thanking God for the life I now live! I pray thank you for bringing my true love into my life. I know that he is one of God’s lucky creations and I am so fortunate to have him. He puts a smile on my face when it needs it most. He is such a blessing to me.
  16. Lord Jesus Christ, please give me the strength to love my boyfriend as you would love him if you were here on Earth with us today! Amen!
  17. Hey, my sweetheart. Just wanted to say that I am so thankful for you and what we have together. I pray that this will be a wonderful, happy day for the both of us and that you have a great day wherever you go!
  18. I would like to thank the person who created true love and made it possible for us to find each other. I appreciate your existence more than you can imagine; you have filled a void in my life that was never even there until I met you. I think about you constantly, always smiling and laughing when I am with you. I will do everything in my power to make sure you are always as happy as possible.
  19. Lord, please give me wisdom when it comes to making decisions about our relationship so we don’t end up hurting each other unintentionally or intentionally in any way whatsoever.
  20. I pray for God to give me strength and the guidance to do what I need to do. God, please have mercy on his soul and guide him through this difficult time. And God, thank you for him. He’s the light of my life, my precious treasure!
  21. Hey sweetie! You are very close that is why I wanted to make this prayer with you. Let the angels guide the way of your soul and do only good deeds each day. Dear Lord please help my love to wake up, be healthy and cheerful all day. Now my wish is done, please help us together.
  22. Lord, please give me the courage to tell my boyfriend how much he means to me and how much I love him every single day of my life.
  23. Dear God, Thank you for the gift of my boyfriend. I am so grateful that you have put someone in my life who makes me feel loved and cherished every day. Please bless him with good health, a strong mind, and an abundance of love. Let him know that he is powerful and capable. Thank you for giving me someone who understands me, who listens to my ideas, who encourages me to do what I love and supports my dreams. Bless us with a beautiful day today as we go out into the world together. Let us remember that there are many people out there who need our help, so let us be kind to one another today. Amen!
  24. You are very handsome, even if you don’t think so. I love your smile. I love the way you sing in the shower. You make me happy, when skies are grey. This is my prayer for you to see, that I need you in my life to make it through. I send this special Prayer for YOU to be: Happy and free, loved and warm and blessed, safe and healthy and wise. So, this is my prayer for you today: whatever life brings your way.
  25. I wake up every morning thanking God that I found you. Without you in my life, I wouldn’t be complete. You are truly my saving grace, the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much and I can’t wait to fall asleep next to you at night again.
  26. I love you and just wanted to say a quick prayer for you this morning. May you have a great day, may your heart be full of love, hope, peace and joy. May God bless you and fulfill his purpose for your life.
  27. Good morning birthday boy! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with much love and the thought of me, your beautiful girl.
  28. Dear Lord, please bless my boyfriend with a wonderful day. Help him to be happy and healthy. Let his work go well today and give him strength to deal with any challenges that come his way. Grant him the patience and wisdom he needs to help those around him and Keep him safe from harm, both physical and emotional.
  29. Dear Lord, Thank you for the blessing of my boyfriend. I pray that you protect him and keep him safe. I pray that you help him to have a successful day at work and give him the strength and patience to work with the people around him. May he be happy at home, school and work today! In Jesus name I pray, Amen
  30. Dear Lord, Thank you for my boyfriend. I’m so grateful for this man who brings me so much joy and happiness. Please bless him with your love and protection today, as he faces the challenges of his day. May he know your presence and strength with him throughout the day as he lives out your will for his life. And thank you for sending us to each other, Lord. We are blessed by your love, mercy, and grace!
  31. Dear God, Please give my boyfriend the strength to believe in himself and do the right thing, even when it’s hard. Please help him to be honest and fair; please help him to be kind to others. Please help him to stand up for what he believes in. Help him to think of other people before he thinks of himself. And help him to know that I’m always here for him no matter what happens. Amen.
  32. Lord, Thank you for my boyfriend. Thank you for his smile, and his laugh, and that he makes me feel like I can do anything. Help me to be a better person, so that I can be worthy of him and the love he gives me. Help us to stay connected today as we go about our day-to-day lives, and to always be there for each other when we need it most. In Jesus’ name, Amen
  33. My Morning prayer for my boyfriend, I pray that you have a good day today. May your day be filled with peace and joy. I love you!
  34. Good morning, my love. I hope you slept well and had a great dream. May your day be filled with love and happiness. Have a great day today, my dear!
  35. Lord, I pray that you bless my boyfriend with a day full of good things. May he find a parking spot near the entrance to work, and may his boss be in a great mood when he arrives, so that he can get out of there early. May the grocery store have a sale on the beer my boyfriend likes. I ask you, Lord: please let him win at least one game of golf today. And finally, Lord, I ask that you please let my boyfriend get lucky tonight.
  36. Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of my boyfriend. Thank you that he is a man who cares about others and strives to be a good person. I pray that he will continue to grow in his understanding of what it means to love someone else and be loved by others. Help him to know that you are present with him always, even when he feels alone or isolated. Fill him with your grace so that he may be able to see clearly the needs of those around him, and help him see how he can help them in their time of need. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
  37. Dear Lord, Please give my boyfriend the strength to face today with courage. He’s going through a lot right now, and he needs all the strength and wisdom he can get. I ask this in your name, Amen.

Also see: Good Morning Prayer For My Love

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